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The Eco Trade

Plastic Free Alternatives

The Product:

An E-commerce Marketplace for Plastic-free, Eco-friendly alternative house goods.

The Problem:

Plastic Waste: Single-use plastics have become a cheap yet environmentally destructive convenience in a society dominated by financial gain.

As a society, we have become accustomed to a disposable mentality brought on by the rise of consumerism and the powerful need to buy and use. After surveying a group of 13 participants,

the findings stated that over 70% said that cost was one of the main factors towards not purchasing eco-friendly products. The other 30% stated that supermarkets did not offer

enough eco-friendly options to avoid buying plastic products. When given the option to go to a zero-waste store or buy what's on offer in standard supermarkets, more than 80% of participants started that would buy what's on offer at the standard supermarkets.


20 - 45, Working-class consumers, Environmentally conscious individuals, Millennials, Parents, University Students, Travellers.


The Concept: 

The Eco trade is targeting the two main issues associated with plastic waste pollution, 

that is the physical use and waste of plastic and our disposable mentality. Through an 

eco-friendly service, the user would gain convenience, a reusable mentality, access to a large range of environmentally friendly products and first-hand knowledge of the lifestyle and its environmental impacts and benefits. This delivery service would offer the following:

• A large range of Eco-friendly, reusable products and packaging options

• The conveniences of door delivery

• A Refill service using existing packaging

• Promotes a zero-waste lifestyle

• Use Sustainably sourced materials

• Environmental education

• An easy to use e-commerce website

• fun and engaging branding design

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